Are you struggling to manage your business social media accounts effectively?

Hallway Creative is ready to help you manage your social media accounts and create marketing, branding, content planning, copywriting, advertising, analysis and evaluation strategies for your business growth.

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Our Services

We Create Best Digital Products

Hallway Creative is here to provide solutions for business owners by providing complete, professional, affordable and flexible social media management services.

Social Media Management

Manage business Instagram accounts by providing content planning, design, photos, videos, copywriting, admin posts and more. Your account will definitely become more professional and hopefully have an impact on your business performance

Brand Identity

Conjure your brand to be professional and meaningful

Tiktok Management

Manage business or personal TikTok accounts by providing content planning, video creation, and even providing talent. Get ready to go viral!

Photo & Video

Product photos, portraits, events, company profiles, and others. Everything can be docummented by us!

Our Portfolio

Click "MORE" for more portfolio


The Best Solutions for Our Clients

Pricelist of Social Media Management

press “Details” for prices and more details

Economic Package
Package 1
Package 2
Package 3

Good work, good people

Our Professional Team

The people behind Hallway Creative. Ready to serve you optimally!

Calvin Fatawijaya

Founder & Project Manager

Kevin Anselmo

Co Founder & Project Manager

Puswita Cendana

Social Media Specialist


What Our Client’s Say

Honest testimony from our clients who have experienced an amazing

change from their social media

Over Easy

Hallway Social Media Management has been an excellent partner in managing Instagram Over Easy Glamping Site accounts. They consistently deliver engaging content, grow our follower count and have a positive impact on our business. I am very impressed with the quality of service they provide!

Ureshii Mentai

Helpful and fast response. Recommended for businesses that are just starting out, affordable prices and pocket friendly. Prices can still be adjusted according to content needs.Keep growing!!

Maranatha Christian University

Thank you Hallway Creative. We like the results of his work, simple but good and interesting. The editing and revision process was also carried out and responded well and quickly. We highly recommend Hallway Creative!


Very satisfied with the performance of Hallway Creative 😍, very helpful in managing my social media online shop 🙏. The design and content are good, according to the design theme I want, the style of language in the captions is also fun so the engagement with the followers is also good. Now there are plans for a 2nd project with Hallway Creative, hopefully we can continue to work together, and the prices are friendly, especially for us MSMEs

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Contact and consultation now! There may be a chance to get a discount!

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